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No matter what industry you are in, improving your sales can help ensure your survival in a competitive market. Understanding how best to sell your products or services to prospective customers and clients can increase your revenues, boost your business profile and send your sales skyrocketing. High performing salespeople can look forward to lucrative careers with healthy commissions, bonuses and recognition from peers and management.

In this online course you will discover the 8 steps to explode your sales, secure valuable clients and grow your business.


  • 31 practical tutorials.
  • Build your credibility as an expert in your industry, product or service.
  • Master your attitude, beliefs and emotions for success in sales.
  • Determine who your ideal client is, and research what makes them tick.
  • Identify the four personality types of your prospects and how to connect with each one.
  • Put together an effective presentation to showcase your product or service.
  • Solidify relationships with prospects and move towards securing a new client.
  • Best strategies for following up with prospects and closing the deal.

Once enrolled, our friendly support team and tutors are here to help with any course related inquiries.


Sales Training

Sales Training

  • 31 course lessons
  • Interactive tutorial
  • 1 coaching hour included

Be an Expert

Master Your Psychology

Get Connected

Get Personal

The Horatio Effect

The Presentation

Solidify the Relationship

The Follow Up